Higher Secondary English Prose - The Eyes Have It - Ruskin Bond - Suggestion | উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক ইংলিশ প্রশ্নোত্তর সাজেশন

Higher Secondary English Suggestion | HS English Qustion and Answer WBCHSE Exam | উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক ইংলিশ সাজেশন (দ্বাদশ শ্রেণীর ইংলিশ থেকে প্রশ্নোত্তর)

Prose – The Eyes Have It – Ruskin Bond

MCQ Questions [ Mark – 1] Prose – The Eyes Have It


1.The narrator had the compartment to himself upto
(a) Rohana (b) Mussoorie (c) Saharanpur(d) Dehradun


ans. (a) Rohana


2. The girl was getting off at


(a) Dehra (b) Nainital (c) Saharanpur (d) Mussoorie In


ans. (c) Saharanpur


3.”The Eyes Have It’, the girl will be received at Saharanpur
(a) by her friend (b) by her father (c) by her uncle(d) by her aunt


ans. (d) by her aunt


4.The couple who came to see the girl off were-
(a) angry at her behaviour (b) sorry about her journey (c) worried about her comfort (d) disappointed at her blindness


ans. (c) worried about her comfort


5. The voice of the girl seemed to the narrator to have the sparkle of a
(a) fountain (b) mountain stream (c) rain (d) waterfall


ans. (b) mountain stream


6.The girl said, she loved the hills especially in-
(a) November (b) February (c) September (d) October


ans. (d) October


7.According to the narrator in ‘The Eyes Have It’ aunts are usually
(a) formidable creatures (b) interesting creatures (C) amiable creatures (d) repulsive creatures


ans. (a) formidable creatures


8.The new passenger described the girl’s eyes as
(a) blind and small (b) big and beautiful (c) beautiful but blind (d) small but beautiful


ans. (c) beautiful but blind

Short Type Answer [Mark 1] Prose – The Eyes Have It


1.What remark did the narrator make about people with good eyesight?


ans.The narrator remarked that people with good eyesight often failed to see what was before their eyes.


2.Who came to Rohana to see the girl oil?


ans. A couple, probably her parents, came to Rohana to see the girl off.


3.What according to the narrator was a safe remark?


ans.According to the narrator, the remark that the girl had an interesting face was safe. 5.When do the hills look lovely, according to the narrator?
ans.According to the narrator, the hills look lovely in October.
6. What advice did the woman give to the girl?


ans. The woman advised the girl as to where to keep things, not to lean out of windows and to avoid speaking to strangers.


7.Where will the girl get down from the train?
ans. The girl will get down from train at Saharanpur.
8.What was the girl tired of?
ans. The girl was tired of people telling her that she had a pretty face.


9. What lingered in the air after the departure of the girl?
ans. The scent of her perfume lingered in the air after the departure of the girl.
10. What according to the narrator can few girls resist?
ans. According to the narrator few girls can resist flattery.


11.what it was like outside. Who broke into the narrator’s reverie?
ans. The new passenger who had entered the compartment broke into the narrator’s reverie.
12. How did the narrator know that the girl wore slippers?
ans. The narrator knew that the girl wore slippers from the way they slapped against her heels.


13.Why were the eyes of the girl of no use?
ans. The eyes of the girl were of no use because she was completely blind.


Broad Type Questions [Marks 6] Prose – The Eyes Have It


1.Discuss in brief the significance of the title of the story | The Eyes Havelt


2.”The voice had the sparkle of a mountain stream” – Who said this? Whose voice is referred to here? Why did the voice become so splendid to the speaker?
3.”Few girls can resist flattery”_Whose observation is this? What did he do based on this observation? What was the reaction of the girl to his action?


4.“The man who had entered the compartment broke into my reverie”—Who is the speaker ? What was the reverie ? How did the man break the reveric of the speaker?
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         ” উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক ইংলিশ – Higher Secondary English – Prose – The Eyes Have It – Ruskin Bond “ একটি অতি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ টপিক উচ্চমাধ্যমিক পরীক্ষা (Higher Secondary / HS Exam / WBCHSE – West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary English / HS Class 12th / Class XII / Uccha Madhyamik Pariksha) এবং বিভিন্ন চাকরির (WBCS, WBSSC, RAIL, PSC, DEFENCE) পরীক্ষায় এখান থেকে প্রশ্ন অবশ্যম্ভাবী । সে কথা মাথায় রেখে BhugolShiksha.com এর পক্ষ থেকে উচ্চমাধ্যমিক ইংলিশ পরীক্ষা (দ্বাদশ শ্রেণী) প্রস্তুতিমূলক প্রশ্নোত্তর এবং সাজেশন (Higher Secondary English Suggestion / WBCHSE – West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education / HS Class 12th English / Class XII English / Uccha Madhyamik Pariksha / HS Exam Guide / MCQ , Short , Descriptive  Type Question and Answer / FREE PDF Download) উপস্থাপনের প্রচেষ্টা করা হলাে। ছাত্রছাত্রী, পরীক্ষার্থীদের উপকারেলাগলে, আমাদের প্রয়াস  উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক ইংলিশ পরীক্ষা (দ্বাদশ শ্রেণী) প্রস্তুতিমূলক প্রশ্নোত্তর এবং সাজেশন (Higher Secondary English Suggestion / WBCHSE – West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education / HS Class 12th English / Class XII English / Uccha Madhyamik Pariksha / HS Exam Guide / MCQ , Short , Descriptive  Type Question and Answer / FREE PDF Download) সফল হবে।
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        আপনাকে অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ সময় করে আমাদের পােস্টটি পড়ার জন্য। এই ভাবেই ভূগোল শিক্ষা – BhugolShiksha.com ওয়েবসাইটের পাশে থাকুন। ভূগোল বিষয়ে যেকোনো প্ৰশ্ন উত্তর জানতে এই ওয়েবসাইট টি ফলাে করুন এবং নিজেকে  তথ্য সমৃদ্ধ করে তুলুন , ধন্যবাদ।
নিচের বাটনে ক্লিক করে শেয়ার করেন বন্ধুদের মাঝে